Welcome To ClickMyDotVideo!
Welcome to ClickMyDotVideo
Welcome! We are always working on the site and content. Content Creators, Publishers, and Editors always welcomed and wanted. We offer Merchandising and Revenue Sharing for Authors/Content Creators/Editors. Coming soon Site Sharing Affiliate program. Check our Contact Page for more information.
We intend on publishing content that is hard to find or banned/scrubbed on most platforms. As a result the staff of this site hope to provide some quality and thought provoking content. Our aim is for you to find something here that makes you glad you visited and likewise prompts you to share the website and content with others! A live streaming option will be available soon. Be sure to register a user account to be able to access this feature.
ClickMyDotVideo Is A Host
ClickMyDotVideo will not be responsible for issues resulting from User Generated Content or use of said content. As a result, ClickMyDotVideo limits it’s liability solely to Content Take Down. However you must file a properly documented infringement claim/court order with us. Therefore, see Legal Correspondence on our Contact Page.
Welcome: ClickMyDotVideo Disclaimer
ClickMyDotVideo and it’s contents are for Entertainment Purposes. Anything Factual, True, or Educational is purely coincidental. Consume Contents Carefully as you may become enlightened and deprogrammed! So if you want to be scared watch #MSM. But if you want laughs and maybe a little #Truth and #Facts our Latest Posts Page is the place for you.
Special Information
ClickMyDotVideo has it’s videos archived and encourages viewers to use a video down loader to retain archival copies for themselves. Use a video down loader program or online video down loader. Extract and down load a personal use copy of the videos and keep in a safe place. These videos are worth sharing with friends. We will offer for sale or as a paid member item our video collection or selected videos on a thumb drive and for download. Keepv.id is our favorite for online decode/download.
General Information
Welcome to our new video platform, ClickMy.Video. Where Content Matters!
Check our Latest Posts often for new content, site construction progress reports and special announcements.
We are adding more content of wide and varied interests.
This website is part of the Nope2020.Org and PublicPlatformProject.Us group of websites.